Time flies. Vacation period will soon be over. Now, let me talk about some of my experiences over this holiday I had. First, I would like to the experience I had during the two-day-one-night dance camp held in the late November.
In the camp, we were all randomly numbered and separated from our old clicks of friends and the main point of this is to let us bond with all the dance mates in the group. I think that this is indeed important, because in dance, it is not an individual thing but you have to work together well in order to produce a wonderful performance and everyone counts. Secondly, it’s about teamwork. And most of the activities we do require that.
Then, it’s the three hours of dance workshop, which was the highlight of the camp. We were taught about some of the basic skills and movements of contemporary dance by a different coach. Since it’s contemporary dance, all the things that we learnt are very unlike what we do during Chinese dance practices. It’s a mixture of ballet and modern dance. And guess what, this is my first time trying out contemporary dance. We were told to put aside of what we usually do in the usual dance practices and pick up as much skills as we can. This requires us to be focused and think flexibly. Most of all, I’ve learnt to adapt to a new style of dance, different way of coaching and learning and I really benefited quite a lot from it. Also, I’ve realized that there’s no gain without pain. I would not have learnt anything if I hadn’t gone through the three hours of tough practice.
So much of the dance camp, I shall move on to talk about something else that happened during this vacation period. I met up with a friend, Yue Ling, who came back from Australia in mid-November. During a conversation with her, she said her parents brought her overseas because of her good results she had achieved in the end-of year exams. She’s in secondary three this year by the way. Then, I said something like I’d also do better in exams if my parents offer to take me to Australia. Actually, I was just kidding, and she knew it too, because she laughed. But she added that, “There’s a limit to what incentives can achieve. Motivation, on the other hand, has no limits”. I thought over about it, and realized that what she said was true. If you are truly motivated to achieve success, which comes from within, rather than work for the incentives which can be no longer attractive after some times, then, you would go even further your limits. Another valuable lesson learnt, from a mere casual conversation.
I’ve also watched "High School Musical 3" and re-watched "High School Musical 2" during this holiday. They were really worth watching. I have actually love performing arts even more after watching the series 3. Year 2009 is approaching, a new beginning, a new chapter in life, and I hope it’d be a better year.
P.S Merry Christmas to all ^-^